岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 先端基礎科学専攻(物理学・数学・地球科学)  
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           連絡先 取組担当者(実施責任者)原田 勲(内線7808)

日 時 平成18年12月11日(月)10:00〜16:00
会 場 コラボレーション棟4階 共同研究室
10:00-10:05 Opening talk Prof. Harada
10:05-10:50 Lecture
  • Prof. Neil Cowie (Foreign Language Education Center, Okayama University)
    “What kind of knowledge can we learn from graduate and post-graduate study?”
11:00-11:50 Particle and Cosmic Physics
  • Motoyasu Ikeda
    “Search for supernova neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande”
  • Atsushi Fukumi
    “LENNON experiment using a high quality laser”
13:00-13:30 Lecture
  • Prof. Michael von Ortenberg (Humboldt University)
    “Semiconductor in strong magnetic fields”
13:40-14:30 Low Temperature Physics
  • Kazuaki Matano
    “NMR and NQR Studies of the pairing Symmetry in the Superconducting state of NaXCoO2・1.3H2O”
  • Hisashi Kotegawa
    “Anomalous heavy fermion state remarkable under pressure in skutterudite compound SmOs4Sb12
14:30-14:50 Synchrotron Radiation
  • Kenichiro Yamamoto
    “Structural Studies of Topological Crystals by Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction”
15:00-16:00 Theory
  • Masahiro Takahashi
    “Vortex Structure of Fermi Superfluids with Population Imbalance”
  • Masataka Oko
    “Entanglement of the ground state in one-dimentional quantum spin systems”
  • Hiroshi Miyazaki
    “Field-Induced Phase Transitions of the Anisotropic Haldane Compound, NDMAP”


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